Well I really was expecting something better about this game.
Im actually playing it in French and the traduction is just funny to read. It doesnt make a n y sense… ! When theres text, characters are really too small to be clearly readable. So forget the Help, you will need a microscope to read it. And well, because you have to forget the Help section, forget also to know how to play, because this is where everything is explained.
Im playing Z The Game on an iPhone 4S. My opinion is that, theres too many options for the size the screen to understand what you are really doing when you press somewhere on the battlefield. Sometime, I just want to move a unit and theres another action happening in the game.
Honestly, take this game on the Mac App Store, it will be better than on an iOS device. Because even at 0.99$, this is to expensive for this… thing!
Danamede about Z The Game, v1.304